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Two weeks of shiny pokemon hunting

This last two weeks (16th - 29th September) I haven't been actively shiny hunting due to illness and a few other things. But I do also like to check and hope when I'm out walking my dogs which I do twice a day. This first shiny came in the form of Polywag which I quickly evolved to a Poliwhirl as this was my second shiny Polywag find. Just need to find two more to complete the evolution lines.

Next I had a nice shiny hatch with Wynaut. Gotta love when you hatch a shiny. Then I had a nice surprise when I stuck my auto catcher on when I popped out to pick up my new gaming PC and it caught me a shiny Scyther

The weekend bought monkey research day and I lucked out catching a shiny Aipom and Lillipup before getting my hands on 2 pink Oranguru's and 2 Passimian shinies. I had been after the pink Oranguru last time when they were boosted months ago but never found one so it was a happy day to nab 2 and a third on my alt account. I do love the pink monkeys and lucky for me the Aipom is another one of those that is a second catch, so as soon as I have the candies and a spare Sinoh Stone (which like to elude me) it will be getting an evolve.

One morning I picked myself up a shiny Vulpix, Kanto region. I have a shiny Alolan form one so it was nice to get the original version. I do now need a second of each though for the Ninetails evolutions. And later that day I found a shiny Pineco hanging around my house, it was a second so I hit the evolve to get the golden Forretress.

There were a few more to end off the two weeks. Three were found from home while the other was hatched.

Venonat and Ponyta are both ones I've already had a few of but its still always fun to find a shiny. Mawile was the one that was hatched. This was very unexpected and not one I had even particularly considered so that's always exciting. And to end off the week I finally found a shiny Spearow. It seemed I was never going to find one after encountering hundreds of the thing but there it was one evening, shining away in my backyard. I just wonder how long it will take me to come across a second so I can get the shing Fearow?

I'd love to see your catches of the week!


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